What is Creative Awakening about in Your Life? How do we connect and share ideas with others?

How do we COLLECTIVELY go beyond ourselves and the advise of teachers, friends, experts, skeptics, or the vision boards and self-help books, and go DIRECTLY to producing our more resilient and creative lives? Dancing in the flow with all that is, as our best and most creative selves? HOW? WHEN? WHERE?
What is this sense of urgency that is calling us all to go beyond just surviving life and get the things we want while creating a more sustainable and promising present and future?
What is creative fulfillment? We all feel it tugging at us …. but that journey feels unfamiliar and daunting! Where do we even start?
How do we learn to do the dance of creativity and resilience while facing the unfamiliar and unknown and maybe sometimes dangerous with joy, wonder, effortlessness, ease, abundance, balance, and Grace?
How can we connect with our inner knowing in every moment and leave drama, fear, and doubt behind …. rather than needing what you sense is missing ... how about ...
KNOW that you are the “CREATIVE” you came to be. MAKE TIME to give yourself the gift of expanding your experiences by exploring your passions. Make your mark!
