Or isolate yourself from distractions at home to focus on developing those ideas you have not had time create. Customize what you want to do from a menu of choices.
Founded to support creatives who are “interested in developing skills and works promoting cultural expansion,” these programs include artist residencies customized to individual visitors needs. It offers individual studio space, professional development support, and studio visits with local and national artists and curators. Sited in Antigua, Guatemala the studio collective also offers programs for younger to senior artists and a community engagement program for projects to enhance the local culture.

This Studio Collective is focused on helping artists to build a network with international art-world professionals. Visits from local and visiting creatives encourage participants “to take on the more ambitious and risky aspects of your creative practice." Encouraging interdisciplinary work in a rigorous environment.
Of her time at the Studio Collective, artist and professor, Maria Los Angeles, now teaching at Pratt, said “the great thing about it, is on the first day, AJ Landon says to you,
If you don’t make art, we don’t care. It’s about refining your process, exploring, and even failing. Creating a product is not required — we would like you to focus on your creative practice in whatever form it might manifest.”
Landon strives to create a laboratory of creative thinkers, and stresses a community atmosphere the dims the lines between being an "artist in your studio" and living a full, free and more meaningful life your way.