Plans Expanding the Village Development in Process
Self Reliance, Resilience, Regeneration & Sustainability Isn’t Magic, It’s Cause and Effect
Participating in these creative projects will get you laser-focused on simple actions that create big reactions and improved results. Learn to measure and track your personal level of readiness in your career choices and to life's uncertainties. Begin making real progress. Get the information and experiences needed to make the improvements you've always desired. Learn WHY living a self reliant, regenerative and resilient life in a village and farm is so important, not just for you, but for all of us and our planet.
Here’s How It Works. We ask, "If it is not Beautiful and Regenerative, why do it?
Most people who want to be more trained, prepared and sustainable tend to focus on the wrong things. They usually fall victim to the old thinking patterns of what it means to be "successful (make a lot of money)." Corporations sell you merchandise that promises to make you "feel good" How long does that last?
These heartless profit machines focus mainly on sales instead of providing real meaningful experiences and creditable solutions. They get people to spend their time and money on things that don't work as well as they should. Outdated processes, cheap products and worthless guides that doesn't get us to the lifestyle and career that most of us seek. They have a vested interest is keeping us debt burdened worker drones. Slaves supporting their suppressive wasteful systems. This is not sustainable or regenerative!
Instead, here at the Antigua Studios & Labs, we try focusing on the important questions that can bring us more meaning and dynamic results. The actions, responsibilities and motivation we all need to finally achieve all our longstanding career and self reliant life goals. Our goal is to provide a powerful experience that wakes up your passions and allows you to make your life choices from an expanded viewpoint. We want to see you find your more resilient, creative and sustainable life in ways that fit YOU!
The changes needed start with the right mindset and a strong sense of purpose. We want to share with you how to get there by developing the attitude, skills and processes required to create the career and life that transcends the mediocre, meaning "ordinary and not very good". In this collaborative group, you'll have opportunities to develop what is most important to you and access a community of likeminded folks working towards living their most creative and resilient lives. Sometimes it takes tim away from your usual environments to get a clear picture of the changes that you want to make. Join us when you feel called to experience a new viewpoint. Contact us when you seek, collaboration, friendship, mentorship and hopefully INSPIRATION.
What is a more self-sufficient, self reliant home and resilient lifestyle?
Self-sufficient living doesn’t have to mean moving to a cabin in the woods and going back to basics. When you wish, our planning and design team will help you explore ways to not only plan, permit and build your home, but also how to produce your own food, use less energy, live healthier and save money, no matter where you live. Self-sufficient homes usually supply all their own energy, water, sewer needs, and food – they are the ultimate in green living dwellings! A self-sufficient home is built from a large percentage of renewable and recycled products that are locally sourced. You can either start a self-sufficient home from scratch, or you can adopt changes to make your current home and business to be more self-sufficient. Our design & planning team advises on your many choices towards self reliance, from new construction to farm site and garden planning.
Benefits of having a self-sufficient home (members of this group consulted clients in regenerative architecture):
Lower carbon footprint – It’s important that we take steps now to reduce our negative impact and help to sustain the environment for our future generations.
Reduced energy costs – Rising electricity prices mean that average energy bills have soared over the past 10 years. Self-sufficient homes use solar power which costs far less than electricity from the grid. It also means that you will never be exposed to energy price rises again. Earth covered and super insulated building can reduce energy cost at least 75%.
Bill-free lifestyle – Once your systems are in place and paid for, you will essentially have access to free electricity and water supply. This means that you should be able to live a bill-free lifestyle which creates financial freedom for you and your family.
Higher property value – Buyers are increasingly seeing the benefits that self-sufficient homes offer, from lower running costs to a more sustainable way of living. Green homes now attract a much higher property value than their non-green counterparts.
Ways to create a self-sufficient home
Here are three things you should consider if you’re looking for ways to improve your home to be more self-sufficient.
Water management
Securing an independent water supply can be difficult. Drilling a well is one of the more obvious choices, but this is not always an option. Another idea is to collect rainwater and use it as a clean, renewable resource. The water can be pumped through a water filtration system and then used safely for everything. Or, you can simply collect rainwater in water storage tanks and then use it directly in the garden. Tanks For Everything, explain how “there are many benefits to storing rainwater, the main one being the saving made on metered water costs which can see up to 50% savings. Other key benefits to harvesting rainwater include contributing to reduced flood risks and lowering the load on combined sewer overflows improving river water quality.”
Alternative electricity
The next step to creating a self-sufficient home is to switch to renewable energy, such as solar, hydro and wind power. Although the initial installation may seem costly, it is much more efficient, and is likely to save you money in the long run. Solar power experts. Solar is a clean, maintenance-free, energy source that will provide your home with electricity that has minimal harm on the environment when the proper equipment and systems are used. You also have the potential to earn an extra income with solar via the Feed-in Tariff in locations where this is offered. This is a government scheme where households with solar panels receive a payment for any electricity they generate and don’t use. This payment will eventually disappear as a government offering, so now is a great time to take advantage of this incentive and earn an extra income from solar!
Food Security
Growing your own organic fruit and vegetables is a major step towards achieving a self-sufficient home. Although this will require effort and dedication, it is definitely worth it and a pleasurable pastime for many gardeners. Not only will this reduce your carbon footprint, but it will also save you money on groceries, and provide a healthier alternative for you and your family. With the recent increases in food costs and availability it is wise to have at least a three month supply of food stored in your home so you are prepared for unforetold emergencies. When you grow more than you need canning, dehydrating and freezing is a self reliant choice. If you don’t have enough room in your garden to grow all your needs, then start small and choose a few of your favorite herbs or vegetables to grow. You could also look into renting a plot on a nearby allotment. Even if you only have a balcony and live in an apartment there are ways to optimizing your food growing and storing strategies.
Next steps:
You are most likely aware of the increases in the price of electricity, water, utilities, transport and building materials along with growing concerns for our environment and the effects of global warming. In response, more and more people are pursuing the idea of living in a self-sufficient home. Making your home more self-sufficient will save you money and is the ultimate way to minimize your environmental impact. All it takes is some dedication, grounded research, access to reliable advise and you will create your cost-efficient and healthier home. This professional design and planning team has years of experience building and living in resilient self sufficient environments and are happy to share their experiences, solutions and ongoing experiments.
GO TO OUR FIRM WEBSITE - to see examples of how sustainable solutions are applied to architecture.
Interns and Creatives from around the world have joined and participated in our Art, ReGenerative Design, Planning, Architecture and Construction Labs. Contact us for more details and customized programs based on your specific interests.
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Add Meaning • Live in Beauty • Own Less • Have more Time & Connection • Add Nature & Art • Explore Resilience ...
Imagine a world living abundantly, while within its limits.
A world that is regenerating rather than depleting the environment, and where cooperation and connection are rewarded.
Create our better world by spreading the physical and cultural benefits of eco villages.
Develop your own more creative and minimalist Village Style
We invite you to get involved with this work!
Join in develop your own more creative and minimalist Village LifeStyle
Solutions for Sustainability
We face many challenges in our time. Fortunately there are many solutions and people willing to implement them!
Are you an academic searching for eco-village development as a case study?
Are you a student seeking experience to formulate your future.
Researching an academic paper on eco-village development?
Are you interested in studying and reporting on eco-village planning and building?
Or are you interested in becoming a member of an eco-village?
Contact us to discuss possibilities -
Eco-Villages are increasingly of interesting as "laboratories” of the future incorporating philosophies of Minimalism. Some research has already been conducted and an increasing number of projects are growing around the world.
Q: Why be a Minimalist?
A: It’s a way to escape the excesses of the world around us — the excesses of consumerism, material possessions, clutter, having too much to do, too much debt, too many distractions, too much noise. But too little meaning. Minimalism is a way of eschewing the non-essential in order to focus on what’s truly important, what gives our lives meaning, what gives us joy and value." Inspired by authors Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus, who helped over 20 million people live more meaningful lives with less through their website, books, podcast, and documentary. The Minimalists have been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, Forbes, TIME, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, BBC, NPR. and on Netflix.
Apply the Benefits of Creative Minimalism: Visit us in Antigua to Experience How Creative Minimalism Thrives
"Creative Minimalism"is our "Making" version of Minimalism ideas. We try to develop and practice these principles in the Historic World Heritage site of Antigua, Guatemala. Guests come visit to taste this lifestyle and find ways to apply these principles in their own way back home. It can be a tool that can assist you in finding freedom and more time to pursue your creative works.
Freedom from fear. Freedom from worry. Freedom from overwhelm. Freedom from guilt. Freedom from depression. Freedom from the trappings of the consumer culture we’ve built our lives around. Real freedom.
Creative Minimalism simply allows you to make your decisions more consciously, more deliberately in ways that allows time to BE CREATIVE. More time to pursue and create what you Love while sharing with family and friends... More time for Kindness.
That doesn’t mean there’s anything inherently wrong with owning material possessions. Today’s problem seems to be the meaning we assign to our stuff: we tend to give too much meaning to our things, often forsaking our health, our relationships, our passions, our personal growth, and our desire to contribute beyond ourselves. Want to own a car or a house? Great, have at it! Want to raise a family and have a career? If these things are important to you, then that’s wonderful.
That brings us back to our original question: What is minimalism? If we had to sum it up in a single sentence, we would say, Minimalism is a tool to rid yourself of life’s excess in favor of focusing on what’s important—so you can find happiness, fulfillment, and freedom.
Minimalism has helped us…
Eliminate our discontent
Reclaim our time
Live in the moment
Pursue our passions
Discover our missions
Experience real freedom
Create more, consume less
Focus on our health
Grow as individuals
Contribute beyond ourselves
Rid ourselves of excess stuff
Discover purpose in our lives
By incorporating minimalism into our lives, we’ve finally been able to find lasting happiness—and that’s what we’re all looking for, isn’t it? We all want to be happy. Minimalists search for happiness not through things, but through life itself; thus, it’s up to you to determine what is necessary and what is superfluous in your life.
Benefits of a Simpler Minimalism
Here are 22 powerful benefits of pursuing and living a minimalist lifestyle.
1. Spend Less. Choosing to accumulate only the essentials often results in financial freedom. Spending less on things you don’t really need will cut your financial expenses and increase your savings.
2. Less Stress. A minimalist home is significantly less stressful. Being able to freely move around and enjoy your home is a huge weight off your shoulders.
3. Easier to Clean. The fewer things in our home, the fewer things there are to clean. This makes cleaning a significantly easier chore.
4. More Freedom. The sense of freedom that comes from minimalism is truly refreshing. You will no longer feel tied to the material possessions in your home and you’ll feel a new sense of independence.
5. Good for the Environment. The less we consume and buy, the less damage we do to the environment.
6. Be More Productive. Our possessions consume our time more than we realize.
7. Example for my Kids. These are valuable life lessons they will never learn in the media.
8. Support Other Causes. Money is only as valuable as what we choose to spend it on.
9. Own Higher Quality Things. More is not better… better is better.
10. Less Work for Someone Else. Create a less stressful life today and lessen the burden on someone else too.
11. Be Happier. Owning fewer possessions makes you happier.
12. Own less stuff. Choose work you love.
13. Freedom From the Comparison Game. Our culture begs us to own more.
14. Time for Things that Matter Most. The more stuff you own, the more your stuff owns you.
15. Visually Appealing. Make your home more appealing.
16. Not Tied to the Past. Release the past to create a better tomorrow.
17. Less Places for Your Heart. Invest your heart into meaningful things.
18. More Opportunity for Rest. Take a deep breath.
19. Find Things Easier. Own less clutter. Find stuff quicker.
20. Live in a Smaller Space Connected to Nature. For most families, a house is the costliest investment they’ll ever make.
21. Display What You Value Most. Communicate what is most important.
22. Share your Creativity. Just do it.
By incorporating minimalism into our lives, we’ve finally been able to find lasting happiness—and that’s what we’re all looking for, isn’t it? We all want to be happy. Minimalists search for happiness not through things, but through life itself; thus, it’s up to you to determine what is necessary and what is superfluous in your life.
The first steps can often take radical changes in your mindset, actions, and habits. Come try it. Then create your more meaningful life:
Discovering More… Can we create more sustainable solutions while improving our lives?
How do we continue to strive for something better?
Can we live more virtuously and artistic while remaining responsible to a resilient future?
What actions can we take to improve our lives now and in the future?
The Arts are our compressed poetic ideas, reassembled experiences and felt emotions about what it is to be alive. We artists wish to summon this memory in you.
We want to attempt to encourage you to consider taking more actions towards artistic eco living practices that can reduce our consumption, waste and provide more joy and satisfaction. Through this offering of resources, images, tips, editorial comment, DIY instruction, product catalog, reviews, ideas, portfolio, and art/design/planning services we hope to demonstrate that the eco choices are inspiring and rewarding. It is intended to stimulate new ways of thinking by illustrating an ECO-pluralistic transitional approach to design and lifestyle that we are calling “ECO CHIC MINIMALISM”.
We hope to encourage others to tread more lightly while have fun living their more creative and sustainable LIVE+WORK+PLAY+DREAM life now so it is more likely that our future generations may inherit a promising lifestyle. Green designs are as diverse and unique as the people who create them, partly because of human individuality and partly because of such factors as geological location, habitat, culture, and availability of resources. This makes finding educated eco selections a challenge. We have attempted to provide many resources, links and advise on how to become more earth friendly along with examples, illustrations, and images.
To most there is no doubt that the way we live now in the US, EU and most countries must change. Our lifestyle wastes too many resources. Most agree our mass dependence on fossil fuels has resulted in global warming. As an individual it can be difficult to clearly determine how we can change our life patterns to conserve more when the systems in place are so wasteful. We still only reuse and recycle a fraction of what we use and the rest ends up in landfills and the sea. To make matters worse, our existing systems have harmed our environments including wildlife habitats, causing devastating loses to our animal and plant species.
The word “eco” has lately become a trendy buzz word and lots are using it to market whatever they are selling- some greener, some not. We all need to get better educated about what is really ‘eco’ and what is hype. There is no doubt that ecologically sensitive design has to become a permanent part of our lives. This focus on greening what we design and make is very important in making the eco transition required to address our current environmental challenges.
Food has been a frontrunner in developing our ‘eco’ consciousness. Many are now considering where our food comes from and how it is grown and processed. We are asking; Is it organic? Is it local?, What additives are in it. Did the chicken, pork and beef we are eating have a happy life? Many more are asking these food questions but how many of us are asking what our bed is made of and where did it come from? Does it have toxic ingredients? Who made it? Are those fabricators living a rewarding and happy life in healthy environments?
Consuming and designing and making are basic human activities. The efficiency, beauty and function of our living activities are the design issues that we can improve when we make them our priority. Throughout our lives it is realistic that we will continue to consume, so we must educated ourselves to consume wisely. We need to find the attractive, inspiring, durable and ethical choices available and know how to avoid poor products. Before you run out and buy that table or chair, ask yourself whether you really need it. If your answer is yes then make sure it is a design you love made from ethically sourced sustainable healthy materials that you can afford. Know you will keep if for a long time. Waiting until you find quality items brings much more pleasure than settling for substandard cheap products. Plus, if enough of us change our present wasteful consumption patterns we will influence those making these inferior products and they will start giving us more responsible and sustainable choices. Let’s help create a movement and market that demands well designed ecological products and building materials like we are beginning to demand from the food industry.
Also consider the handmade choice when possible. Before the industrial revolution furniture and many furniture pieces, houses and household goods were produced locally by skilled craftsmen, woodworkers, upholsterers, and weavers. These items made were intended to last for at least one lifetime and were often passed on to other generations. Our mass produced products need to be designed to include longevity, durability, and beauty - plus they need to be designed so that ALL parts are reused or recycled. They tell us our plastic bottles are ‘recycled’ but in fact only a small fraction of this plastic is reused and too much ends up in our landfills and oceans.
When this area is not your expertise, especially on projects requiring eco friendly purchase and technical assistance, an eco designer can be useful in helping make you aware of the best choices. Their fees can often be absorbed in the savings and pleasure received from a cohesive functional eco friendly design that has been professionally developed with your budget and taste in mind. When you find the choices are overwhelming we encourage you to contact us and learn more about the design services and resources we can offer on large and small projects. We believe quality design and planning helps create happy and resilient lives. Look for key words like these when deciding what you want to design, make and purchase- we think you will feel better:
biodegradable • fair trade • locally sourced • low energy • low waste • no toxins • recycled • reused • well managed resources • sustainably grown, organic, handmade, green ...